• Charles Eaton

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  • Legend of Watchung

Eaton Parlin

Charles Aubrey Eaton was a longtime resident of Watchung and Somerset County. He was elected to the US House of Representatives in 1924 and served the 5th District of New Jersey for 28 years. He was appointed by President Roosevelt,to the UN Charter Conference in San Francisco in 1945.  

Diary of Dr. Eaton’s father in law, Captain Parlin from the Civil War, along with some of his war artifacts. Captain Parlin led the first black battalion of soldiers and the diary in his own handwriting is a fascinating glimpse into the thinking and beliefs of that time. A copy of the Diary is available to look through on a book stand.

Member page of Plainfield Garden Club for Mrs. Charles Aubrey Eaton (Mary Winifred Parlin) has extensive info on Mary Parlin Eaton and Nephews: Charles, Cyrus Eaton , William Robb Eaton and Eaton House, "Sunbright"

Learn morn about

Captain William Davis Parlin

 More In formation about Captain Parlin